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Requesting Accomodations
Township High School District 211
Township High School District 211 (the District) will not discriminate on the basis of disability against any qualified individual in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disability Act (A.D.A.) of 1990.
Qualified individuals who are not enrolled in the District and who are not served by a Section 504 plan in the District may request reasonable modifications for auxiliary aids and services relative to a disability. These procedures define the process for requesting an accommodation, how the District will respond to such a request, the timeline for notification as to whether the request will be granted and the appeal process if the individual making the request disagrees with the District’s decision regarding the request or its implementation of the accommodation.
This procedure recognizes that the District’s Section 504 Procedures provide guidance pertaining to students actively enrolled in the District and whose educational needs are served by way of a Section 504 accommodations plan. The District’s Section 504 procedures are readily available upon request and a parent or guardian may request a formal hearing to dispute whether the District has provided the appropriate services or accommodations relative to the student’s qualified disability. The District’s Section 504 Hearing Procedures for students served with a Section 504 Plan are also available for review.
Making a Request and Time-line of a Decision
If a qualified individual with a disability would like to request an accommodation or auxiliary aid or service from the District, the individual should make that request to the school’s designated ADA Administrator (also known as the twelve-month assistant principal overseeing the school’s building and grounds). The request should be made at least one week in advance of the time that the accommodation will be needed. While the District will make reasonable attempts to accommodate requests made with less than one week advance notice, the District will not be obligated. In most instances, the District cannot be expected to fulfill such requests with less than 72 hours advance notice.
One exception to this procedure is that a request for a sign language interpreter, in addition to being made to the ADA coordinator, may be made to the District’s Assistant to the Superintendent.
In receiving and considering the request, the ADA Administrator may ask for additional information from the individual making the request in order to understand the nature and extent of the accommodation being sought.
The ADA administrator will inform the individual making the request within three days whether the accommodation will be provided.
If, after considering the request, the ADA Administrator deems it unreasonable, the ADA Administrator will inform the individual making the request. In addition to describing the rationale regarding the decision, the ADA will inform the individual that he or she may file an appeal of the decision.
Appeal Process
The District’s Uniform Grievance Policy, GAC/JA/KAA, details the sequence of steps that will occur in the case of an appeal by an individual who believes the District has violated his or her rights based on a qualified disability. Upon notifying the individual that the request for an accommodation has been denied, the ADA Administrator will inform the individual that he or she may file an appeal and will provide the individual with a copy of the Uniform Grievance Policy. The ADA Administrator will explain the policy to the individual or ensure that the necessary means of communication takes place so as to inform the individual of the grievance policy.
Consideration of a Request to Move a Program or Activity Due to a Disability Relative to Section 504 and ADA Procedural Guidance
Township High School District 211
Township High School District 211 (the District) will not discriminate on the basis of disability against any qualified individual in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disability Act (A.D.A.) of 1990.
Qualified individuals who are not enrolled in the District and who are not served by a Section 504 plan in the District may request reasonable modifications for auxiliary aids and services relative to a disability. These procedures define the process for requesting an accommodation, how the District will respond to such a request, the timeline for notification as to whether the request will be granted and the appeal process if the individual making the request disagrees with the District’s decision regarding the request or its implementation of the accommodation.
This procedure recognizes that the District’s Section 504 Procedures provide guidance pertaining to students actively enrolled in the District and whose educational needs are served by way of a Section 504 accommodations plan. The District’s Section 504 procedures are readily available upon request and a parent or guardian may request a formal hearing to dispute whether the District has provided the appropriate services or accommodations relative to the student’s qualified disability. The District’s Section 504 Hearing Procedures for students served with a Section 504 Plan are also available for review.
Making a Request and Time-line of a Decision
If a qualified individual with a disability would like to request that the location of a District-sponsored activity or event be changed to an alternate location due to the event being inaccessible to the individual as a result of the individual’s disability, the individual should make that request to the school’s designated ADA Administrator (also known as the twelve-month assistant principal overseeing the school’s building and grounds). The request should be made at least two weeks in advance of the time that the original event or activity is scheduled to take place. While the District will make reasonable attempts and will in most instances be able to accommodate the individual’s needs by way of other accommodations and auxiliary services and supports, any request for a change of location relative to the event being inaccessible that is made with less than two weeks in advance of the event cannot be honored due to the extensive changes that would be required.
In receiving and considering the request, the ADA Administrator may ask for additional information from the individual making the request in order to understand the nature and extent of the accommodation being sought.
The ADA administrator will inform the individual making the request within three days whether the requested change of location will be honored.
If, after considering the request, the ADA Administrator deems it unreasonable, the ADA Administrator will inform the individual making the request. In addition to describing the rationale regarding the decision, the ADA will inform the individual that he or she may file an appeal of the decision.
Appeal Process
The District’s Uniform Grievance Policy, GAC/JA/KAA, details the sequence of steps that will occur in the case of an appeal by an individual who believes the District has violated his or her rights based on a qualified disability. Upon notifying the individual that the request for an accommodation has been denied, the ADA Administrator will inform the individual that he or she may file an appeal and will provide the individual with a copy of the Uniform Grievance Policy. The ADA Administrator will explain the policy to the individual or ensure that the necessary means of communication takes place so as to inform the individual of the grievance policy.